JINX PlayStation 5 Controller White - Customer's Product with price 270.00

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  • Regular price $270.00
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Face Plate - SKU MPFP3011WS
Face Plate - Face plate Type Soft Touch
Face Plate - Soft Touch Soft Touch Caution Yellow
Face Trim - SKU GPFP3005WS
Face Trim - Face Trim Type Soft Touch
Face Trim - Soft Touch/Matte Soft Touch Deep Blue
Touchpad - SKU JPF4005WS
Touchpad - Touchpad Type Soft Touch
Touchpad - Soft Touch Soft Touch Deep Blue
Front & Trigger Buttons - SKU JPF1010WS
Front & Trigger Buttons - Buttons Type Matte
Front & Trigger Buttons - Matte Matte UV Caution Yellow
Backplate - SKU DPFP3005WS
Backplate - Backplate Type Standard (No Paddles)
Backplate - Standard Backplate Soft Touch
Backplate - Soft touch Soft Touch Deep Blue
Thumb Sticks - SKU P4J1104WS
Thumb Sticks - Thumbstick Type Chrome Interchangeable
Thumb Sticks - Chrome Interchangeable Matte Chrome Gold And Black Interchangeable
Priority Service - Priority Service Priority Service